
  • Repeated converter failure
  • Damaged converter
  • Excess converter pressure
  • No lockup
  • TCC slip
  • TCC apply & release concerns


RFE transmissions lack a specific valve that controls the apply side of the converter pressure. Excess converter pressure can cause converter damage, ballooning and converter failure. Bore wear at TCC Switch Valve allows critical fluid loss that prevents proper TCC operation.


Reconditioning the bore and installing Sonnax oversized TCC apply limit switch valve kit limits the amount of pressure applied to the torque converter without affecting the line pressure and restores proper TCC operation.
  • 45RFE, 545RFE, 65RFE, 66RFE, 68RFE Oversized TCC Apply Limit Switch Valve Kit 44912-41K
  • 45RFE, 545RFE, 65RFE, 66RFE, 68RFE Oversized TCC Apply Limit Switch Valve Kit 44912-41K

You need this if...

Vacuum testing at the port(s) indicated fails to hold the recommended minimum in-Hg, or if wear is visually detected.

45RFE, 545RFE, 65RFE, 66RFE, 68RFE Oversized TCC Apply Limit Switch Valve Kit Vacuum Test Locations