August 18, 2020
68RFE Overdrive Clutch Failure: What to Check First When Troubleshooting OD Issues
Jason Larochelle
Replace worn or contaminated solenoid blocks in Chrysler 45RFE, 545RFE, 65RFE, 66RFE and 68RFE transmissions with the appropriate Sonnax remanufactured solenoid block 44836A-RRP or 44836B-RRP. These solenoid blocks are 100% disassembled, cleaned and reassembled with new seals and springs. The solenoids are precision tested to OE specifications.
August 18, 2020
Jason Larochelle
February 03, 2022
Jim Mobley
Tired of the hit and miss swapping out solenoids from cores or the expense of just going with new? Sonnax remanufactured solenoids go through extensive disassembly and rebuild steps followed by rigorous inspection and testing. Top quality replacement parts and enhanced quality assembly and verification techniques ensure OE level operation for smooth, consistent shifting and extended service life.