March 15, 2022

6L80 Series Pump Drilling Demo with Small Drill Bit Vise

Presented by Jim Mobley

This content relates to two discontinued Sonnax parts: pressure regulator valve kit 104520-14K and oversized pressure regulator and boost valve kit 104520-07K. These kits required drilling the pump, and Sonnax now offers equally effective repair options that eliminate that extra labor: drop-in kit [104520-15K] and oversized kit [104520-16K].

E​​​​​​​ver had the small drill bit break and cause havoc while installing the Sonnax GM 6L45, 6L50, 6L80, 6L90 pressure regulator valve kits? Here is how to fix that issue and most others when using small drill bits in your portable drill motor with standard-size Jacob chuck: create a bit vise out of the red plastic tube commonly sold with aerosol spray cans. It makes drilling the .039" balance hole for Sonnax pressure regulator valves a breeze.

Watch the video to see how easy it is to make a vise and the basics of valve installation. Click here to read the step-by-step instructions.​​​​​​​

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