Required tool kit F-56947J-TL49 is no longer in production. Check with your distributor for availability.
Ford 5R55N units commonly experience low line pressure and delayed engagements, typically resulting in pressure out-of-range codes, burnt forward clutches or intermediate bands. Bore wear at the VFS1 (PCA) and VFS2 (PCB) locations allows modulated line pressure to exhaust instead of feeding the overdrive, intermediate or low/reverse servos or the coast clutch, causing the complaints and damage. Recondition the bore and install Sonnax oversized PCA/PCB modulator valve kit 56947J-49K to restore hydraulic control and optimum line pressure feed to affected circuits. The Sonnax kit can be used in either location.
Sonnax valve body layouts provide a detailed overview of individual units making it quick and easy to determine what’s available for the specific valve body you’re working on. See all Sonnax valve body layouts.
A vacuum at either port indicated fails, or if visual wear is detected at the inboard overlap valve bores.